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Physics Education with Mixed Reality (HoloLens)


Participant Survey Results of Experience-Based Online Lesson Using HoloLens 2

Student impressions of today (19th September) ’s experience-based online lesson are as below. Generally experience-based online lesson using MR technology shows significant educational effect even in COVID-19 pandemic situation. Conclusion…

“Ignite Student’s Heart” Out of the Box MR Technology* Application [New Normal of Online Lesson] Cutting-edge Lesson Material** Experience Event “Pinch and Move! 3D Image Up in the Air” in Action

MIE, Japan, Oct 20, 2020 Feel Physics, an EdTech startup (located in Yokkaichi, Mie, company representative: Tatsuro Ueda) runs an experience-based event “Pinch and Move! 3D Image Up in the Air -New Normal of Online Lesson-“ on September 1…

