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Physics Education with Mixed Reality (HoloLens)

Our paper has been accepted by Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan (PESJ)

Journal of the Physics Education Society of Japan (PESJ), read by researchers and teachers for Physics Education, accepted our paper in special issue "Practices and Proposals for Future Physics Education".

It's about Physics education practice with Mixed Reality (MR). I showed that the education is possible to execute over the world including Africa (I'm sorry it's written in Japanese).


Published on 2 Pages in Monthly "Innovative Education" Series: Impact of Innovative Technologies

Monthly "Innovative Education" Series: Impact of Innovative Technologies / President of Feel Physics, Tatsuro Ueda

I've been published on 2 pages. Thank you very much... By the way, I would like to buy it for my parents, M. Amazon. Couldn't you sell it?

My Lecture "Science Education with ICT" Schedule

This is my lecture "Science Education with ICT" schedule in a university:

  • Blackboard is Important
  • Try Programing
  • Make & Teach with Slides
  • Search & Teach with YouTube videos
  • Status & Problems of ICT Education
  • Teach with VR video/app
  • Try Smart Experiment Instruments
  • Try AR
  • Try STEM
  • Try MR


Published a paper-like article on ResearchGate

"Practices and Improvements of Lesson using Magnetic field Visualization by Mixed Reality (MR) technology"

I published a paper-like article titled as above on #ResearchGate. I hope it helps people conserning Education with MR.



7 media posted about us: Feel Physics Published Open-source Mixed Reality (MR) App for Science Education and Demonstrated in 5 Countries


MIE, Japan, Sept. 3, 2019 As a Microsoft MVP personal sponsor*, president of Feel Physics developed open-source Mixed Reality (MR) application for Microsoft HoloLens. The interactive app helps students to visualize and intuitively understand the magnetic field. For codes and details, visit https://github.com/feel-physics/holomagnet3 on GitHub.

With a Microsoft HoloLens headset on, the app visualizes the magnetic field in 2D or 3D by showing a red-blue bar magnet through the center of compasses needles. Students can observe it from different angles and play with it by moving the bar magnet with fingers to see the compass needles to change directions accordingly. In traditional science classes, not a few students have difficulties to understand the magnetic field because it is not visible and end up giving up learning science.

Feel Physics has demonstrated the app in science classes at 10 schools and 2 exhibitions for a total of 300 people in 5 countries including Ghana and Rwanda in Africa. The app has been upgraded and improved based on feedbacks from users, and not only its satisfaction degree has increased accordingly, 3 schools confirmed that the app is effective for learning the magnetic field.

"This is one of ideal educational applications of xR," said Tsuneaki Shikura, CEO of elephanCube.

Feel Physics continues to release apps for learning science with fun and contributes to improve the quality of science education worldwide.

  • Microsoft most variable professional (MVP) personal sponsor for Microsoft IT tech conference in Japan

About Feel Physics:

Feel Physics is a development company for Mixed Reality (MR) app for science education focusing on visualizing physics phenomena which cannot be seen without MR.

For more information, visit http://bit.ly/mf_vis on YouTube.